
I need to keep myself busy (You know it)
And put myself together with you again
People come and go around us.
It's no matter to us.
But True Love stays forever.
Just like now.

I once told u
You're the one I love most,
and YOU will always be.

Keeping myself busy seems like a good way to overcome this disaster moment.
even though how much I wanted to hug u and kiss u,
but I can never do that now.
What I can do to help u and myself is to keep a distance away from you.
What to do?
I can't.

This darkest moment will eventually pass us by and sooner or later we will move on our new life.
I believe You will find a solution.
At least I can truly give you the love that you deserve.

Say HELLO to,
My Love. =D

Start of D
I've been getting a lot of attention from u
I've never felt loved like this before
I wanna show u my love and I wanna love u
You're always been the best for me

I know I've not been showing much love to u
but I will never want to let u go
There will always u in my heart
You're always in my mind
4ever and ever


I've always wanted a perfect relationship,
having to have a happy ending in my love life.
But I guess that will never happen, ever.
Because I've just always lost the one that I love,
No more next time please.

And this time hurts the most as I've put away everything I have to fight for this relationship.
And still I've proved to everyone that I'm not wrong.
I will never dream for anything again.
and never will I wanna do anything for myself again,
let everything be like how it's supposed to be.
Just for her.

I'm tired of having to wait for you all the time,
so exhausted.

Going against everyone to love you,
and yet, you think the love I have for you is still not enough,
never will it be enough for you.
It would not happened again and again.
This is my promise to you.

It's time where we need to have some time from each other and think seriously.
You always think I'm not good enough.
Just because I'm the loser, whatever.
But I've already tried my best, everything I could.
What we still waiting for?
It's your LOVE.
And I gonna tell you that
I Love You, forever and ever.
Hope you will do the same on me TOO.

突然发觉 我没有什么朋友 我根本没有?





去了哪里? 朋友是拿来利用的? 需要时就找我 不需要时消息也没个





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21 this yeaR. MARCH.9.Pisces. Currently study at SEGI. I lOve All of You who was viewing my blog^^ In a TRUE♥LOVE now. I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away. blablablabla...
